Monday, January 27, 2020
Higher Education In Promoting Cyber Entrepreneurship Commerce Essay
Higher Education In Promoting Cyber Entrepreneurship Commerce Essay 1.The Higher Education (HE) sector has become a popular feature of many areas of business and management research. Specifically, the interest of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurships associated with business development and considers what role higher education has play within these environments. 2. Education is a long continuous process in life. Students basically need to spend at least 6 years in primary school and another 4 to 6 years in secondary school before they can go for employment or continue their study in higher education. 3. In pursuing their education, most of them will be awarded with scholarships or education loan from government body or from any other financial institutions. 4. Student with clear objective will usually get through the education process. At the same time we should also realize the fact that some students will end up half way due to financial constrain, academic failure, lack of motivation, no clear objective, etc 5. Another problem faced by students, normally is job opportunity, long wait and queue to be employed. Parents seems facing dilemma whether to send their children to college without any job promising prospect, or to let them to work in order to reduce or minimize financial constrain. Hansads Reports from Malaysian Parliament shows there were great concerned among the members of the parliament regarding entrepreneurship program in Malaysian Heis is as follows: 6. Global unemployment rate is showing an increasing trend. Many factors contributed to the phenomena. This issues can be viewed from two perspective, which is global view and micro view. 7. From the global view, unemployment rate is contributed by many aspect such as collapse of the global economic system, recession, reduce in demand etc. The micro view claimed that unemployment rate contributed by external factors such as: attitudes, un ability to compete in the job market etc. 8. Reports from Bank Negara reveal that total population in Malaysia in the year 2007 were approximately 27.17 Million. Out of it, the total population for Malaysian age between 15-64 years were reported at about 17.62 M or 65% of the total population. 9.In year 2007 there were 3.516 M student age between 17 23 years. Out of that as many as 351,585 students pursue their study in higher education and apparently 210,950 graduates enter the job market. 10.There is no specific data on numbers of unemployment. Some claim that the unemployment numbers is between 50000 to 80 000. The closes reliable data released shows that out of 17.24 M the unemployment rate were 3.5 % 60,340 11.Entrepreneurship is being seen as a vital source of competitiveness and the engine for economic growth and development. According to (Nabi, G., Holden. R, 2008). Entrepreneurship activities among the graduatse in Higher Education are one of the key to unlock the unemployment problem among the graduate. (European Commission, 1998) suggested that comprehensive action to encourage entrepreneurship among the graduates is increasingly being recognized by political and economy bodies as one of the keys to unlock greater comparative in employment opportunity. 12.DR.22.03.2007 Ministry of Entrepreneur organizing program scheme for unemployment graduate. Among others program outline are: Graduate Entrepreneur program Graduate Franchise Program Techno-proneur program Incubator graduate program 13. DR.01.07.2008 Some members of parliament argued, without proper program, Heis will produce low quality graduate which will cost more problem to the nation and government should encourage entrepreneurship spirit and find ways to commercialize the creativity and innovative ideas among the graduate 14. E-commerce on the other hand offers an opportunity for students at college level to become entrepreneur and start business with minimum capital without ignoring the education. This method or channel of business would offer unlimited potential. 15. With the government backup such as incentives and assistance, those who venture or start this model of e-commerce can grow fast and big, with unlimited potential customers. There is a hope and belief that if students were exposed to e-commerce they can be guided to be more organized, more focus and self finance, thus achieve financial freedom and since the e-commerce setup is virtual , when they complete their study, they can take their business on their own without associating with the prior e-commerce model 16.Many researchers suggest that Higher Institutions should place to boost up the entrepreneurial spirit. (Kirby, 2002; David, 2006) identify the universities is the place where knowledge is developed, transformed and practice. Higher Education in Malaysia 17.There has been an increasing number of Malaysia in search of tertiary education in recent years. Therefore a comprehensive higher education plan should first be prepared so that the expansion and development of higher education will be in line with the aims of the Ninth Malaysian Plan (MP9). Specifically, private universities in Malaysia need a structure their tertiary master plans by analyzing the needs and objectives of prospective academics. 18.One aspect of an ideal educational objective is that it continues to produce university graduates with a high capability of becoming valuable parts of the countrys human resources in all areas. Thus, this objectives need to be sympathetic to the current development of Malaysia, they should also be able to continue contributing to the building of Malaysia into a quality nation. 19.The Malaysian government also needs to match this ideal objective with its existing resources, and if the resources are not sufficient, efficient and intact, the objective will need to be revised; for example, by allocating appropriate personnel to appropriate responsibilities, training the individuals efficiently, taking a fresh look at the structure of higher education bodies, and revising the higher education process to continuously improve it. In the context of the advanced developing nations, Malaysia has set a good example by coping with any problems and challenges that have arisen as it expands its higher education (Hussin, 2004). At the time of independent in 1957, Malaysia had only one university. Now it has increased to 20 public universities and 18 private universities (until 2007) that also offer excellent academic services. This has reflects that for developing nations education is the main component for nation growth. 20.In general, higher education institutions can be categories into two major components the Public and Private Universities. These universities run undergraduate and postgraduate programmes and also offer diplomas and matriculations for undergraduate programmes. The public universities are universities that are fully controlled and funded directly by the federal government and public sector (Selvaratnam, 1992). There are currently twenty public universities in Malaysia, established between 1962 and 2007. All this universities offering various disciplines namely UM, USM, UKM, UTM, UPM, UUM, UNIMAS, UMS, UPSI, UiTM, USIM, UDM, UMT, UTeM, UTHM, UniMAP, UMP, UMK, UPNM, and IIUM. 21.On the other hand, private universities in Malaysia vary from the universities that are supported by government business agencies (e.g. Multimedia University of Malaysia, National Power University of Malaysia, Petroleum National University of Malaysia), to those supported by political parties in the present government alliances (e.g. University Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR), an education arm of the Malaysian Chinese Association, a political party). In addition, there are also some branch campuses of foreign universities here (e.g. the campuses of Monash University and the University of Nottingham). There are also numbers of local private universities own by individual owners. In brief, there are sixteen private universities at this moment, catering to a high demand for the tertiary education in Malaysia. Higher education also consists of nearly five hundred private colleges to support this demand from a rapidly developing country. Details of the private universities and years of estab lishments (see table 1.1). 22. Table 1.1: Private Universities in Malaysia Bil University Year established 1 Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP) 2000 2 University Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN) 1999 3 Universiti multimedia (MMU) 1999 4 Universiti Industri Selangor 2001 5 Universiti Sains dan Teknologi Malaysia (MUST) 2000 6 Universiti Terbuka Malaysia (UNITEM) 2001 7 Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) 2002 8 International Medical University (IMU) 2001 9 Universiti Kuala Lumpur (UniKL) 2002 10 Universiti Tun Abdul Razak (UNITAR) 2000 11 University Terbuka Wawasan (WOU) 2005 12 University Antarabangsa Al Bukhari (AIU) 2006 13 Monash University Malaysia (MUM) 2000 14 University of Nottingham in Malaysia (UNiM) 2000 15 Curtin University of Technology Sarawak (CUTS) 2000 16 Swinburne University of Technology (SUT) 2004 17 Asia e-University (AeU) 2007 18 Al Madinah International University (MEDIU) 2007 Source: Ministry of Higher Education, 2008 ( 23.There were twelve private universities, two virtual universities and branch campuses of four foreign universities, as until 2007. The private universities have been vested with the right to award their own degrees at all levels, and the foreign universities award identical degree programs as at the host university. This will obviously mean that academic staff numbers must have increased. Table 1.2 shows the total number of academics staff according their qualification from the year 2001 until 2007. The data show that huge demands for academics. 24. Table 1.2: Number and Qualification of Academics in Private Universities (2001 2007) Degree/Years 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 PhD 235 767 868 1,030 1,338 1,463 1,070 Masters 2,016 3,919 4,744 5,958 5,344 6,077 6,846 Bachelor 5,108 7,231 7,030 6,753 5,887 6,601 7,754 Diploma 1,050 2,475 1,539 1,070 867 877 1,811 Total 8,409 14,392 14,181 14,811 13,436 15,018 18,081 Source: Ministry of Higher Education, 2007 ( 25. The programmes offered based on the field of study in private institutions of higher learning (IHls) includes social sciences programmes, science and technology programmes and technical and vocational programmes. Since establishment of the private universities ministry shows, that private IHLs offered more social science programmes rather than science and technical programmes. There are reasons for this. First, private universities have found by individuals or organizations. Therefore, they faced financial instability to offer more technical and science based programmes. Second, social science programmes required less capital, equipment, land and manpower to operate and maintenance. Finally, the demand for social science programmes is very huge due to educational policy which focuses on art stream in 1970s and 1980s. Consequent of this, more social sciences programmes becomes choices for young generation. Table 1.3 shows the details of the programmes offered by private IHLs. Table 1.3: Programmes offered based on field of study by private universities Programmes offered / Years 2004 2005 2006 2007 Social sciences programmes 716 817 850 620 Science and technology programmes 382 439 449 357 Technical and vocational programmes 166 194 189 140 Total 1,264 1,450 1,489 1,117 Source: Ministry of Higher Education, 2007 ( 26. The development of the higher education sector in Malaysia, consisting of public and private institutions, looks encouraging when considering the increasing number of institutions in recent years, but this does not mean that the demand for tertiary education in Malaysia is fulfilled. From the Nine Malaysian Plan (2006-2010) has focused to achieve the target of 40 per cent enrolment rate of the age group 17-23 years in 2010. 27. According to (King, 2003), there were not many research that focuses on graduate careers in a non-traditional context specifically graduate entrepreneurial careers in terms of entrepreneurial intentions and developmental experiences. More research needed in this area with the increasing numbers of students considering or pursuing entrepreneurial careers (Robertson and Wilkinson, 2006; Harding, 2007; Holden et al., 2007) and the diverse range of contexts in which graduates pursue an entrepreneurial career. 28. Secondly, there is a large body of research on entrepreneurship in general (Bridge et al., 2008; Henry et al., 2003), but much less so on graduate entrepreneurship (which as noted below has been distinguished from non-graduate entrepreneurship). 29.This is consistent with the ISBA Consortium (2004, p. 8) report conclusion that the literature is generally broad, fragmented and growing and, critically, that despite a wealth of literature from business and management and other disciplines, only a minority focus on graduate entrepreneurship (p. 10). 30.There is a continuing interest in graduate entrepreneurship intentions and attitudes thus it is important to understanding there is potentially increasing the number and sustainability of graduate start-ups. In relation to graduate start-up support, there are relatively few studies that focus on student/graduate enterprise and entrepreneurship education in varied and multiple contexts. 31.Graduate entrepreneurship (and entrepreneurship education) in a narrower perspective, also known as students/graduates who are in the process of starting up or trying to start up their own businesses and are learning skills for starting up a business 32.This is important because lessons may be learned and shared about curriculum development and the relative impact of different approaches used towards enterprise/entrepreneurship education and training Whilst accepting that there is debate around the meaning of graduate entrepreneurship (see, Nabi et al., 2006a for example), in broad terms, it can be defined as the interaction between the graduate as the product of university education and business start-up in terms of an individuals career-orientation and mindset towards self-employment 33.(European Commission, 2003; ISBA Consortium, 2004; Nabi et al., 2006a). different emphasis, definitions tend to evolve around the notion that starting up or trying to start up a business as representing an aspect of entrepreneurship (see Nabi et al., 2006a for more detailed discussion) Kirby (2004), do throw a question regarding HEs program, weather there are they trying to develop enterprising graduates or entrepreneurial graduates 34.Moreover, it is important to realize that the concept of the graduate entrepreneur is changing and evolving, and who and what constitutes a graduate entrepreneur is shifting from a skills-based agenda (looking at the tools and capabilities for start-up) to an entrepreneurial identity agenda (looking at the maturity of students/graduates, what it might be like to be a graduate entrepreneur, an understanding of themselves and the entrepreneurial lifestyle). Indeed, some of our research (Nabi et al., 2006b) and one of the papers in this special issue, by Hegarty and Jones, further addresses the notion of the graduate entrepreneur. In particular, the latter authors recommend that enterprise programmes should also focus on the aim to develop student Understanding of what entrepreneurs do, why they are important to the economy and more importantly to society. 2.3 Entrepreneurial Graduates Graduate students playing a crucial role in patterning the future of our nation. Quality student will positively contribute in ensuring the continuous sustainable growth in all aspect nation development. Not only on the economy, but also in minimizing the social problems. Current scenario shows, many social problems occurred, indirectly reflected by the quality of our graduate students. High rise of unemployed graduate, increased numbers on mental illness cases caused by social problem such as drugs trafficking, crime, etc. Student should be guided continuously and motivated. Only by motivation student will perform better in what ever there are involved. Students will do better and improved in their performance if there are crystal clear on what there are doing and what end result there are expecting. Moreover, it is important to realize that the concept of the graduate entrepreneur is changing and evolving, and who and what constitutes a graduate entrepreneur is shifting from a skills-based agenda (looking at the tools and capabilities for start-up) to an entrepreneurial identity agenda (looking at the maturity of students/graduates, what it might be like to be a graduate entrepreneur, an understanding of themselves and the entrepreneurial lifestyle). (Thomas W. Z,1994) define entrepreneur as person who creates a new business in the face of risk and uncertainty for the purpose of achieving profit and growth by identifying opportunity and assembling the necessary resources to capitalization. There is also endless discussion around types of entrepreneurship. Reynolds et al., (2004) distinguish between opportunity entrepreneurship and necessity entrepreneurship. In this article, I would like to table for discussion on another type of entrepreneur, which is cyber entrepreneurship. According to Carrier et al., (2004) Information technology is changing the world in more prominent than any other technology in the history of mankind. European Commission, (1997) had identifies there are two types of firm using IT technology in business. First is the firm with physical presence traditional company using Internet as a new distribution channel or also said as logical extension of their traditional business. Second the dotcoms, internet startups business. With the evolvement of Internet technology and cyber world, it is very crucial for Government policy makers and HEs management to seriously considering this medium to transforming graduate into self employment. 2.5 Cyber entrepreneur There are very little research done which promoting the term cyber entrepreneurs. There were some studies which referring the technology base entrepreneur with various term such as: IT Techno-entrepreneur were derived from the word technology entrepreneur, will be interchangeably used with the word entrepreneur in order to relate that techno-entrepreneurship are the subset of entrepreneurship. (Christian S., 2009) defined cyber-entrepreneur as an individual who creates a firm that is essentially founded upon e-commerce, and whose main activities are based on the exploiting networks, using internet, intranets and extranets. Cyber entrepreneurship is still in it emergent phase and there is more to know about the phenomena and the element in venture creation process (Carrier et al., 2004; Jiwa, Lavelle. Rose, 2004; martin Wright, 2005) We can conclude the terms cyber-entrepreneurship or cyber-entrepreneur can be referred to any start-up business or any attempt to exploit the information technology for business purposes and intended to gain profit in return. Those persons who set out to be IT entrepreneurs are often seen as special, brave, strong, or else well connected to sources of start-up income beyond those that could reasonably expect to obtain. Technology entrepreneurship, the act and process of creating new, technology-intensive start-ups, is a subject of increasing importance in many parts of the world. Entrepreneurship in parts of South East Asia especially Malaysia has recently undergone rapid revitalization. (Reina et al., 2008) stressed virtual or cyber based business in general have not yet reach the required level of maturity that would leave a lasting impact on the way company conduct electronic base business. Meanwhile the term Information Technology Techno-entrepreneur arose from within Malaysian culture to describe an individual whose entrepreneurial endeavors focus on to Information Technology oriented enterprise. Ministry of Entrepreneur and Co-operative Development (MEDC) reported in 2007 annual report, reported to adjust and strengthened it direction from increasing number of entrepreneur of entrepreneurs, to focusing on developing quality techno entrepreneurs who are at par with the international entrepreneur. 2.6 Opportunity for HEs graduate to venture into entrepreneurship Turn ball et al, (2001) find out after sitting on the entrepreneur course, students attitudes towards entrepreneurship moved from negative to neutral. And lane, 2002 suggested mentoring activity is effective in changing perception towards entrepreneur. Comprehensive study done by (National Higher Education Research Institute [IPPTN], Feb 2003) on the unemployed graduate outlined the list of suggestion to improve the unemployment graduate. The final reports which were produced in Bahasa Malaysia outlined: Expose student in HEs in self employment potential. Provide entrepreneurship infrastructure in HEs Appoint entrepreneur Counselor Provide entrepreneur fund Develop an entrepreneur curriculum Skills training for graduating students Support and involvement by HEs 2.7 How HEs can initiate a cyber entrepreneurship activities Government and policy makers as well as HEs administrators should look for possibilities on imposing cyber entrepreneurship activities to those are interested. Followed are some possible approaches can be adapt by HEs in initiating and inspiring the cyber entrepreneurship activities in Malaysian education institution. In order to create interest and increase awareness, classroom education method is not the only approaches can be used. HEs can also used the alternative methodology to promote entrepreneurship. (Alperstedt and Henrique, (2006) introduced a Business Plan Competition as a alternative teaching methodology to promote entrepreneurship. The competition was coherent with its proposal of developing the entrepreneur interest into the participant. The study carried out, does not explore the implementation possibilities the business plan or creating their own enterprise after word. This writing would like to proposed some amended entrepreneur start up model which originally proposed by (Martyn. R. and Amanda. C, 2003), together with the methodology proposed by (Alperstedt and Henrique,(2006). During the plan period, enrolment in tertiary education institutions of all levels is expected to increase to 1, 326, and 340 in 2010 with 32.3 per cent at first degree and 35.8 per cent at diploma. To cater for the projected demand for tertiary education, the public universities not capable to fulfils. Therefore the present of the private universities play an important role in fulfilling the demand and nation growth.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Monitoring Human Rights Essay
Human rights have had a major impact on international human life and constitute a very important test for national institutions. Moreover, they constitute a standard for reforming society and evaluating the policies and practices of international economic and political platforms[1]. The Human Rights Committee closely monitors the proper implementation of the International Covenant by state parties. Therefore all the state parties are under an obligation to submit periodic reports to the Committee. These reports should contain the details of the implementation of human rights in their respective states. In the first instance, these states are required to submit their report within one year after having ratified the Covenant. These states are also required to submit these reports whenever the Committee insists upon their submission. Upon receipt of these reports, the Committee reviews them and suggests its recommendations to the states. These recommendations are generally in the form of concluding observations. In order to ratify international human rights treaties, there is a need for state parties to work in compliance with international monitoring frameworks. These frameworks require the provision of periodic reports on the status of implementation of the requirement of these treaties[2]. The act of issuing general observations by a treaty body depends on the process of reviewing the reports submitted by state parties. Observations are the collective assessment of these reports and the governments are enabled to determine the steps to be undertaken by them in order to promote and effectively implement human rights. The importance of the dialogue is to receive advice on the measures to be adopted in order to implement treaty provisions in a better fashion. Hence the state parties are required to implement the concluding observations made by the treaty bodies and address these observations in their subsequent reports[3]. The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights or OHCHR plays an important role in promoting efforts to obtain global ratification by undertaking campaigns for ratification. This initiative would act as a catalyst and stimulate state governments, civilians, intergovernmental organizations and other organizations. The OHCHR promotes the integration of targets for ratification of the international treaties on human rights. It is an instrument that has been designed by the Common Country Assessments and UN Development Assistance Frameworks[4]. The OHCHR is a technical cooperation device, which is aimed at assisting state parties in implementing and promoting human rights. Technical assistance programs are provided upon requests from governments and should be utilized by them. There should be a transparent process with the consultation of civil society to be adopted with regard to nominating state representatives to the treaty. This could further enhance the effectiveness in finding a suitable candidate for the purpose. State parties have to advertise vacancies in the treaty bodies in the national press and other media. This would improve the chances of obtaining better candidates and also facilitates assessment of the candidateââ¬â¢s expertise. Subsequent to the nomination, the state governments should exhibit the list of applicants to the public at large[5]. Article 18 of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women requires the state parties to submit a report on the legislative, judicial and administrative measures that a state had to initiate in order to promote the provisions of the Convention. It also stipulates that the state has to furnish the progress report with regard to the status of human rights, within one year after entering the Convention. Subsequently, this report had to be submitted every four years and whenever the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women requires it[6]. à à à à à à à à à à à In this respect and in order to fulfill the obligations laid down by Article 18, the Committee suggested that the state parties should invariably follow the general guidelines with regard to the form, content and date of reports. These guidelines were designed in order to assist state parties to submit the reports in a uniform manner so that the state parties and the Committee would be in a position to have knowledge about the implementation of those provisions[7]. Under Article 14 of the Convention on all Forms of Racial Discrimination a state can recognize the competence of the committee to receive and consider representations from its citizens who allege violation of rights granted by the convention. The state is required to change its laws if the committee discovers a violation of the convention.à Moreover, the state parties have to furnish details of the convention measures adopted by them as a report, once in two years and the committee, in turn, reports to the UN General Assembly once a year in this regard.[8] The Human Rights Committee or the HRC was formed in order to monitor state compliance with the ICCPR. Article 40(3) of the HRC, stipulates that the HRCââ¬â¢s members have to serve in their personal capacity. Moreover, Article 38 states that newly elected members should work in an impartial and conscientious manner[9]. The ICCPR consists of eighteen experts in human rights, who have a good moral conduct. The monitoring measures of the ICCPR are first, state parties are required to submit periodic reports to the HRC that must describe their efforts to promote the Covenant provided human rights and the developments in the provision of these rights. On receiving this report, the HRC would evaluate the facts and make the necessary observations. Second, state parties have to accept the HRCââ¬â¢s authority to entertain complaints from other state parties regarding non ââ¬â compliances with ICCPR obligations[10]. General Comments, which are adopted by the HRC, address articles or issues of the ICCPR and indicate the ability of the HRC to examine worldwide reports in respect of the diversified political, legal and social systems[11]. Article 41 of the Covenant authorizes the Committee to hear complaints among the states and the First Optional Protocol enables the latter to entertain complaints from individuals in respect of violations of rights guaranteed by the Covenant by the State Parties. There would be three sessions per year of the Committee and it has to publish its interpretation of the Covenant of human rights provisions. Moreover, the Committeeââ¬â¢s power covers the Second Optional Protocol, which deals with the elimination of the death penalty[12]. The report E/CN.4/1997/74 of the United Nations, which is based on previous reports that had been, submitted to World Conference on Human Rights, concerns the ratification of some of the treaties. This report assumes that the existing supervisory system is sound and valid. In addition, it also assumes that adequate reporting has taken place. Moreover, it assumes that the progress in the quality of reporting procedures is by its very nature very slow. Further, this report is based on the premise that the extant system is not viable and that the overall objectives cannot be achieved in the absence of drastic remedial measures being adopted[13]. This report makes several assumptions. Some of these assumptions are that the treatyââ¬â¢s supervisory system are sound and remain legitimate; despite difficulties, considerable progress has been registered by the treaty bodies; progress has to be based on an effective monitoring system, which beneficially modifies the relevant procedures and institutions and the extant system is untenable and the achievement of the various objectives requires significant changes to the reporting system[14]. International efforts to promote human rights require the universal ratification of the essential treaties.à The rate of ratification of these treaties has shown a remarkable increase after the Vienna Conference. The reasons responsible for the increase in the number of such ratifications are described in the sequel. The first reason is that several new states succeeded to these treaties. The second reason is that the Fourth World Conference on Women resulted in the ratification of the CEDAW by a large number of states. The third factor is that of the unimaginable success that was attendant upon the efforts to enhance the number of countries that were in favour of ratifying the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Despite the success of this convention on the rights of the child, it has come to light that there is a need to take further steps against countries that have failed to ratify this convention[15]. In addition, these treaty bodies are available only in two languages and translations take quite a bit of time for completion. Some of these treaty bodies have laid a great emphasis on upon what have been termed as special reports[16]. It was contended by Tomuschat that the submission of reports pertaining to the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid was inadequate to the extent that the whole system could be deemed to be a failure[17]. Some of the recommendations of this report are that there should be consultations with the major international organizations in respect of efforts to promote ratification. In addition, special advisers should be appointed in order to ratify and report. Moreover, there should be an adoption of special measures in order to streamline the reporting system for the less populated nations[18]. Article 28 of the ICCPR requires the Human Rights Committee to consist of eighteen members. These members should possess and exemplary moral character and should be bestowed with acclaimed expertise in the human rights[19]. Article 40 of the ICCPR requires the States Parties to inform the Secretary General of the UN regarding the measures adopted by them in respect of this Covenant[20]. In a meeting conducted in Geneva on the 27th and 28th of July 1996, the committee discussed the possibility modifications to its reporting procedures. The decisions arrived at in this meeting were transformed into an official document at the sixtieth session of this committee. In this meeting discussions were conducted regarding the format and focus of periodic reports, the methodology to be adopted by the committee in dealing with state reports, the standards that had to be established in respect of state reports and the procedure to be adopted in the case of delinquent reports[21]. Although the working of the committee can be influenced by the work of the more specialized treaty bodies it is empowered only to interpret and apply the ICCPR. The standards that are applicable to the protection of human rights differ from one treaty provision to another and the committee may choose the most appropriate of such standards in any particular situation. Moreover, the committee should, wherever and to the extent possible, avoid a conflict with the provisions of other treaty bodies[22]. During the 1626th and 1627th meetings the Committee thoroughly examined the fourth periodic report submitted by Iraq[23] on 27th October 1997 and on 5th November 1997 in the 1640th meeting, and the Committee declared its observations. It condemned the apathy of the state in dealing with the implementation of domestic laws and the provisions of the Covenant. The Iraqi delegation interacted with the Committee and submitted its answers to the Committee, furthermore this delegation made detailed clarifications regarding the prevailing conditions in the state[24]. à à à à à à à à à à à In its examination, the Committee acknowledged that Iraqââ¬â¢s war with Iran and the aftermath of its invasion of Kuwait had resulted in a substantial destruction of the nationââ¬â¢s infrastructure. However, the Committee was of the view that despite these difficulties, the government of Iraq had been responsible for the implementation of the provisions under the Covenant and that it could not evade its responsibility in this regard[25]. à à à à à à à à à à à The Committee further suggested that reasonable steps should be taken in order to ensure equal rights for people of all religious groups, in addition to the ethnic minorities. Further, the government of Iraq was directed to furnish this information in its next periodic report and to give sufficient details regarding the implementation of Articles 26 and 27 of the Covenant[26]. à à à à à à à à à à à The Committee further directed that there should be submission of reports with regard to the difficulties encountered by non ââ¬â governmental organizations in respect of establishment and operability. The Committee acknowledges that the necessary initiatives should be undertaken immediately so as to facilitate the establishment and smooth operation of independent non ââ¬â governmental organizations working in the area of human rights[27]. à à à à à à à à à à à The Committee furnished these guidelines to the government of Iraq along with reports submitted by other state parties to be referred to as a model. Moreover, it requested the government of Iraq to submit in its next periodic report full particulars of the steps taken by it in this regard[28]. à à à à à à à à à à à During its 1628th and 1629th meetings held on the 28th of October 1997, and during its 1642nd meeting held on the 5th of November 1997, the Committee reviewed the second periodic report of Sudan[29]. The reports submitted by Sudan were helpful in assessing the prevailing conditions in the state. The Committee recognized the fact that the implementation of the Covenant was hindered due to the armed conflicts in the southern regions of Sudan. These differences were causing difficulties in the implementation of the Covenant and the Committee advised the government of Sudan to include the provisions of periodic reports of the other state parties in its next periodic report[30]. à à à à à à à à à à à In the 1675th to 1677th meetings, the Committee reviewed the initial report of Israel[31]. The Committee recognized the fact that the reasons for non implementation of the Covenant could be attributed to the frequent attacks on the population, the other problems that related to its occupation of territory and its war with bordering states. Nevertheless, the Committee instructed the government of Israel that according to Article 4 of the Covenant, the state should not fail to provide fundamental rights even under such emergency conditions[32]. à à à à à à à à à à à The Committee was satisfied with the steps initiated by Israel like establishing several ministries that dealt with the status of women. It was also satisfied with the functions of the Knesset Committee for the Advancement of the Status of Women. Another measure that the government had taken was the establishment of a national level authority on the advancement of women in the state by bestowing several responsibilities on it. The governmentââ¬â¢s amendment of the Equal Employment Opportunities Law made employers liable in sexual harassment cases and the government also enacted legislation to bring about the Equal Pay (Male and Female Employees) Law[33]. à à à à à à à à à à à The Committee reviewed the second periodic report of Algeria[34] in its 1681st to 1684th sessions and complimented the state party for having resolved some of the issues pointed out in the Committeeââ¬â¢s concluding observations,[35]which had been made in the initial report on Algeria in 1992. The factors that had contributed to the inadequate implementation of the Covenant were the extensive and indiscriminate attacks on civilians, which resulted in great loss of human life and the violent activities in the state. These issues made it imperative to maintain law and order in the state in order to protect fundamental rights in Algeria[36]. As such the states have been provided with insufficient support in putting into practice their duty to ensure human rights and in modifying their domestic laws, policies and practices in order to be more effective in establishing human rights. There is little guidance in respect of the manner in which the laws are to be sustained and construed by the states with the result that states have to face an even greater problem while carrying out their human rights obligations[37]. Bibliography Tomuschat, ââ¬Å"Human Rights, States Reportsâ⬠, in R. Wolfrum and C. Philip (eds.), United Nations: Law, Policies and Practice (Munich, Beck and Dordrecht, Martinus Nijhoff, 1995), vol. 1, p. 631. Charles R. Beitz. Human Rights as a Common Concern, The American Political Science Review, Vol. 95, No. 2. (Jun., 2001), pp. 269-282. 26 August 2007. Christian Tomuschat, Human Rights: Between Idealism and Realism. (2003). Oxford University Press. P. 140. CCPR/C/133. December 22nd, 1997. Report on the informal meeting on procedures. ICCPR. United Nations. CCPR/C/103/Add.2 CCPR/C/75/Add.2 CCPR/C/81/Add.13 CCPR/C/101/Add.1 CCPR/C/79/Add.1 Document E/CN/4/1997/74, dated March 27, 1996. United Nations Economic and Social Council. Effective Functioning of Bodies Established Pursuant to United Nations Human Rights Instruments. Final Report on Enhancing the Long Term Effectiveness of the United Nations Human Rights Treaty System. E/CN. 4/ 1997/74. March 27, 1997. Commission on Human Rights, Fifty ââ¬â third Session. Human Rights Committee. Monitoring civil and political rights. Retrieved 2 September 2007. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, G.A. res. 2200A (XXI), 21 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 16) at 52, U.N. Doc. A/6316 (1966), 999 U.N.T.S. 171, entered into force 23, 1976. Michael Banton, The Future of UN Human Rights Treaty Monitoring. Chapter 3, Decision ââ¬â Taking in the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. Philip Alston and James Crawford (Eds). 2000. Cambridge University Press. P. 55. Monitoring State Obligations on International Human Rights: United Nations Human Rights Treaty Bodies/Committees. 26 August 2007 Report of the Human Rights Committee. Volume I. General Assembly Official Records â⬠¢ Fifty-third Session Supplement No. 40 (A/53/40). Retrieved September 2, 2007 Thynne, Kelisiana. ANZSIL CONFERENCE 2007 REFORM OF UNITED NATIONS HUMAN RIGHTS INSTITUTIONS: CURRENT DEVELOPMENTS Enhancing the rule of law in international human rights treaty bodies. United Nations Proposals to Strengthen the Human Rights Treaty Bodies
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Pros and Cons of Kyoto Protocol Essay
Kyoto Protocol is an attempt of global community to encourage industrialized countries to lower on emissions of GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions was signed in 1997 and till date there are multiple debates going on whether or not it was a step to foster a global cooperation to address current environmental issues or just a governmental endeavor to take under control a free market spot. First, the protocol is seen as a starting point for effective collaboration aiming to achieve global good and face climate change (Hamish McRae). The journalist is sure that the deal has shown the commitment of countries to sacrifice their short-term needs at micro level in order to follow the ââ¬Å"long-term global environmental aimsâ⬠. In contrast, Kyoto Protocol is poorly designed and does not have any clear influences in perspective ââ¬Å"unlike the Montreal Protocol, which had a clear objective and clear benefitsâ⬠, notes the author. All things considered can help to draw a conclusion that the Protocol is rather controversial in its future perspectives but is a significant leap of ââ¬Å"a wider global process of conservationâ⬠(Hamish McRae). Second, carbon is traded like any other commodity: the treaty expects the countries that do not exceed their carbon emissions limits to sell the surplus to the countries which due to their industrial needs are beyond the allocated quotas. On the other hand, ââ¬Å"carbon marketâ⬠has plenty of opponents ready to state that even though the carbon trading is being constantly advertized as a key solution to coping with climate change, it is just a small part of the dilemma. Tamra Gilbertson and Oscar Reyes are sure that ââ¬Å"todayââ¬â¢s climate challenges require a paradigm shift in our thinking and approachesâ⬠(3). The Carbon Trade Watch researchers state that the adoption of proposed schema was a way to ââ¬Å"make climate problems fit market solutionsâ⬠(9). In any case, despite its bright perspectives in reality Kyoto Protocol leaves very less room for adequate decisions in environment pollution control and gives a way to corporations and governments to speculate on their emissions targets. Third, it is worthy to take a look at nowadays situation and whether or not ââ¬Å"Son of Kyotoâ⬠can be considered a success reaching its initial targets and objectives. The recent United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP18/CMP8) prolonged the lifeline of ââ¬Å"of the Kyoto Protocol beyond 2012 keeps it alive as the sole legally binding plan for combating global warmingâ⬠for eight more years (Alister Doyle and Barbara Lewis). This can be seen as a constant struggle of humanity to overcome or at least control the situation with growing GHG emissions in spite of all the imperfection and criticism of the Kyoto initiative. Some of Doha decisions were questioned by Russia as well as neighboring Ukraine and Belarus asking to ââ¬Å"be allowed extra credit for the emissions cuts they made when their industries collapsedâ⬠(Roger Harrabin). However, the query was not given a credit which left Russia no room for objection. This fact claims that there is still no unity in common decisions and universal outlook on the problem of climate change preventive measures. On the whole, Kyoto Protocol is rather controversial instrument in global climate change arena. The deal should be taken as a serious step toward improving the future generations living conditions as well as preventing possible natural disasters. At the same time its coherence should be periodically reviewed and corrective actions taken based on the comprehensive scientific and environmental research not only on pure calculation and monetary estimates. Works Cited Doyle, Alyster and Barbara Lewis. UN climate conference throws Kyoto Protocol a lifeline. 08 Dec 2012. Web. 20 Jan 2013 Gilbertson, Tamra and Oscar Reyes. ââ¬Å"Carbon Trading ââ¬â How it works and why it failsâ⬠. Critical Currents no.7 (2009): 3-9. Web. Jan 20 2013 Harrabin, Roger. UN climate talks extend Kyoto Protocol, promise compensation. 08 Dec 2012. Web. 20 Jan 2013 McRae, Hamish. Can Kyoto really save the world? 16 Feb 2005. Web. 20 Jan 2013
Friday, January 3, 2020
Frederick Douglass Essay - 1140 Words
The institution of American slavery was fraught with many heart wrenching tails of inhuman treatment endured by those of African descent. In his autobiography Frederick Douglass details the daily horrors slaves faced. In Narrative of The Life of Frederick Douglass An American Slave he depicts the plight of slavery with such eloquence that only one having suffered through it could do. Douglass writes on many key topics in slave life such as separation of families, punishment, and the truth that would lead him to freedom, and how these things work to keep slavery intact. In the words of Frederick Douglass, ââ¬Å"My mother and I were separated when I was only but an infantâ⬠¦It is a common custom, in the part of Maryland from which I ran away, toâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦(61) The thought of separation from loved ones was horrible. Many who had the means to escape their bondage probably remained for fear of separation from family and friends. The slaveholders had an effective tool in keeping their captives in chains. Punishment, and the fear it implanted in the minds of the slaves also served the slave holders well. Slaves were often whipped for the smallest infractions. As per Frederick Douglass, ââ¬Å"It would astonish one, unaccustomed to a slaveholding life, to see with what wonderful ease a slaveholder can find things, of which to make occasion to whip a slave.â⬠(87) He goes on to list some reasons a slave might be whipped for, ââ¬Å"A mere look, word, or motion,--mistakes, accident, or want of powerâ⬠¦Does he forget to pull off his hat at the approach of a white person? Then he is wanting in reverence, and should be whipped for it.â⬠(89) In one illustration of said treatment Douglass tells of how cruel his first master was. Frederick Douglassââ¬â¢s first master, Captain Anthony, ââ¬Å"would at times seem to take great pleasure in whipping a slave.â⬠(24) Douglass wrote, ââ¬Å"No words, no tears, no prayers, from his gory victim, seemed to move his iron heart from its bloody purpose.â⬠HeShow MoreRelatedTrickery in Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass by Frederick Douglass1880 Words à |à 8 Pagesthus they do not survive. In Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass by Frederick Douglass, Douglass harnesses the ability to conform to the world of trickery and conveys his journey to freedom. Through his appeal to pathos, use of dramatic asides, and application of anecdotes, Douglass expresses the necessity of slaves to play the game of trickery to survive in the world of tricksters. Effectively establishing an appeal to pathos, Douglass emphasize his raw emotions to the reader, allowing theRead MoreFrederick Douglass Essay817 Words à |à 4 PagesAfrican-American man Frederick Douglass wrote his famous speech, ââ¬Å"The Meaning of July Fourth for the Negroâ⬠, America was in a time of great distress. It was the year 1852, and the view of abolitionists was quickly spreading. It was the time of both provocative literatures such as Uncle Tomââ¬â¢s Cabin, as well as important resolutions, such as the Dredd Scott decision, showing the contrast between views at the time, both positive and negative towards slavery. Frederick Douglass was a freed African-AmericanRead MoreFrederick Douglass : A Man949 Words à |à 4 PagesDaniel Lee 12/6/15 Frederick Douglass Essay How did Frederick Douglass move from being a slave to a man? In Frederick Douglassââ¬â¢s autobiography, ââ¬Å"Frederick Douglass,â⬠Frederick Douglass, a black man born into slavery, went from being a slave to a man. His actions proved he was a man. Frederick Douglass was born into slavery in Tuckahoe, Maryland. Like many slaves, Frederick Douglass didnââ¬â¢t know his exact age or birthday, but he knew an estimate of his age. ââ¬Å"I come to this, fromRead More Frederick Douglass Essays505 Words à |à 3 Pages The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave is an account of Frederick Douglassââ¬â¢ life written in a very detached and objective tone. You might find this tone normal for a historical account of the events of someoneââ¬â¢s life if not for the fact that the narrative was written by Frederick Douglass himself. In light of the fact that Douglass wrote his autobiography as a treatise in support of the abolishment of slavery, the removed tone was an effective tone. It gave force to hisRead MoreFrederick Douglass Essay691 Words à |à 3 PagesFrederick Douglass Frederick Douglass was one of the most important black leaders of the Antislavery movement. He was born in 1817 in Talbot County, MD. He was the son of Harriet Bailey and an unknown white man. His mother was a slave so therefore he was born a slave. He lived with his grandparents until the age of eight, so he never knew his mother well. When he turned eight, he was sent to Aunt Kathy, a woman who took care of slave children on the plantation of Colonel Edward Lloyd. WhenRead MoreFrederick Douglass And Slavery.1438 Words à |à 6 PagesFrederick Douglass and Slavery Frederick Douglass the most successful abolitionist who changed Americaââ¬â¢s views of slavery through his writings and actions. Frederick Douglass had many achievements throughout his life. His Life as a slave had a great impact on his writings. His great oratory skills left the largest impact on Civil War time period literature. All in all he was the best black speaker and writer ever. Douglass was born a slave in 1817, in Maryland. He educatedRead MoreEssay on Frederick Douglass658 Words à |à 3 Pages Frederick Douglass nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Frederick Douglass was a man who was active until the day he died. Frederick Attended Anti-Slavery meetings and also attended meetings for Women?s rights. He believed everyone was equal it didnt matter if one was white, black, or green it also didnt matter what sex you were he believed everybody was equal. He achieved many things during his hard but great life. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Born on a plantation in Tuckahoe, near Easton, in TalbotRead MoreThe Slave By Frederick Douglass972 Words à |à 4 Pagesthousands of years later. In ââ¬Å"What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?â⬠Frederick Douglass, a former slave, addresses an audience of white abolitionists on July 5th of 1852. He focuses on the disparity between the American values celebrated on the Independence Day and the issue of slavery. To do so, Douglass raises the question of to whom those values apply and explains why and how it should be different. Analyzing Douglassââ¬â¢ effort, we see that he is using arguments that trace back to the ancientRead MoreThe Narrative Of Frederick Douglass1835 Words à |à 8 PagesIn Frederick Douglass article Figuring out how to Read and Write he clarifies the imperative part instruction plays in a man s life, and the things that you can achieve by figuring out how to peruse and compose. Figuring out how to make a contention did offer Douglass some assistance with obtaining his flexibility, as well as offered different slaves some assistance with getting their opportunity and annul subjugation. We can say that Douglass was fortunate he was taught by his paramour andRead MoreFrederick Douglass Essay559 Words à |à 3 PagesFrederick Douglass Born Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey on Marylands Eastern Shore in 1818, he was the son of a slave woman and, her white master. Upon his escape from slavery at age 20, he adopted the name of the hero of Sir Walter Scotts The Lady of the Lake. Douglass immortalized his years as a slave in Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave (1845). This and two other autobiographies, My Bondage and My Freedom (1855) and The Life and Times of Frederick Douglass
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